Home > New Guitar
The New Guitar
updated 11/15/09
Prototype 2
The first one found a home so quickly, I decided to build two more prototypes, and the first of these is finally done.
It's finally here!
When I was at Modulus, the 5-string basses I designed were such a hit, that the company was unfairly labeled as a "bass company." There's nothing wrong with making the best basses, but many of the biggest names in the music biz that I used to work with were guitar players. There's been a long, slow-cooking request for me to bring the guitars back out, and I am finally, in all my glacial slowness, doing just that.
It's taken a long time, and finally the prototype is done. The first model features a cocabola top, new EMG-X humbuckers (running at 18V), an ABM non-trem bridge, and high-ratio Delta tuners.
The neck is based on the classic Strat bolt-on architecture, with a 6-in-line G. Gould styled peghead, with a 7 degree peghead tilt.
Here are images of the guitar during its construction
Back from the boothStarting to look more like a guitar, eh?
A closer look at the body closeup of the heel, threaded metal inserts, and serial number
Next Stop: Spray Booth!
Sexy Contours
Now normally I don't like to use sex to sell things, but I want the curves of the bodies to be sensual, and deserving of fond stroking. The arm cutaway below just doesn't look like it was cut off with a band saw!
Body contours
I think that when the guitar is resting on your body, you shouldn't have to feel sharp edges either. The control cavity and battery compartment are routed in back, to minimize disrupting the awesome figure of the cocabola top.
Starting to look like a guitar now. It's almost too bad we have to rout the body for pickups; the wood is so gorgeous! Next will be routing, and fine tuning the sculpting of the body, then neck and body go into the finishing booth!
The neck has been inlaid, fretted, and tuners fitted. On this first prototype, I'm using the Gotoh high-ratio Delta series of tuners.
The body will soon by shaped, using this template:
The neck has been molded, the fingerboard has been bonded, and is about to get crowned fretted, and have the body fitted to it:
Front views:
Rear view:
images in progress (click to enlarge)The cocabola fingerboard blank
The cocabola (over alder) body halves
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